Can't Pass This Gas
I filled up yesterday at $2.69 a gallon. It was at a gas station somewhere between Charlottesville and Washington, D.C.
Can any of y'all beat that? Didn't think so.
I filled up yesterday at $2.69 a gallon. It was at a gas station somewhere between Charlottesville and Washington, D.C.
Oye. People, I gotta' be honest with you.
I tried to do low carb today, and I failed miserably.
I'm all over the place today. I've got so much on my mind that I don't know where to start.
All last week, I wore a sweatshirt and jeans. I even walked around with my arms crossed because I was still cold. Then the weekend came and BAM! It's hot. Sticky hot. Sticky hot Cinnabon (sorry, I just had to say that.) What's up with this weather? One day I've got the heat on in the car, the next moment I'm racing home because my Ben & Jerry's is melting.
I've been doing chemotherapy now for 2 1/2 weeks, and I'm doing okay: not great, not terrible, but so-so. While some people say they have good days and bad days, it seems to me that I have good hours and bad hours. One moment I'm fine, the next moment I'm so tired I can fall asleep wherever I am (at the mall, at the dinner table, behind the wheel). One thing fer'sher: when I do some cardio at the gym, it definitely takes everything within me to reach my goal.