Sunday, February 28, 2010

Diagnosis: Leukemia

Doctor's prognosis: I have 2-6 months left to live, 6 months being optimistic, and 1-2 months is certainly possibile.

(Nobody truly knows how long I have except for God.)

Paul, my family, and I have had a hard past couple of days. We know you are thinking of us and we thank you in return for offering your support.

Please just check here for updates regarding my health condition, location, or any other information.



Blogger Michael K. said...

I'm sending you a 'virtual' bear hug from Florida right now, sweet man, and hope that I get to deliver one in person too!

It's not every day that I get to watch a beautiful boy grow up to become a beautiful man ;-)

Love & Respect

Now, the important Easter question: Cadbury or Brachs?

6:26 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think every day with you is a study in quality if not quantity.
My mother was given three months and went on to live 2 1/2 years. Maybe spite and meanness can work for you too (just kidding I loved her and miss her terribly!!). Love you too.
I can't help but think what they say in AA - 'Let go and let god". I hope you can enjoy your days here and that I'll get to share some of them with you!!

2:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ernie - You are in my thoughts and prayers. You have had the most positive attitude throughout this tumultuous part of your life. You're truly an inspiration. Miss you on the gold steps! Lots of love, Jimbo

2:57 PM  

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