Surprise! Coming Out!
Over the weekend, a horrible tropical rainstorm blew through the Philippines. And like Katrina in the US, I ignored it UNTIL-
I love having a football game on TV. I can't really explain, but it's so soothing. I don't really watch and half of the time, I don't even know who's playing. But it's the noise of the crowd, the announcers, and the commentary that makes it so pleasant to have it on. It's like I'm part of a big event, where thousands, if not millions, of people are relaxing at home, warm and cozy, on the couch with their HDTVs on, watching the game with snacks and beverages, The other family members not interested are in the kitchen or in the living room, hanging out, talking and eating. My favorite network football coverage is on Fox.
People often complain and wonder why commercial breaks on TV sound louder. Two reasons: 1) They know they have to compete with other dialogue in the room, such as you and other viewers discussing the show, or you talking on the phone. 2) They also know that's when you get up to use the bathroom or head to the fridge,
I just got off the phone with someone who, in my opinion, could not do anything wrong. This person has touched hundreds, if not thousands, of lives with kindness and generosity and expect nothing in return, except maybe the start of a lasting friendship.
This birthday month has been absolutely wonderful and fantastic so far- I've had such a great time!
I am 39, I look 29, I think like I'm 19, but I act like I'm 9!
No radical changes this autumn season, just trends from last year continue to become edgier:
makes your head spin and starts a fight between head and heart.
Caught in a whirlwind, a tornado, of activity in Vegas. This town is mad-crazy, with fashion that can be downright disgusting and touristy to painstakingly inspiring and attractive.
*San Francisco, California
MostMForbes magazine rated all the major cities in the US and put together a list of the most stressful places to live. Their criteria was based on factors such as housing prices, cost of living, populatioin density, and unemployment, but also considered environmental factors such as number of sunny days and air quality.