Friday, September 11, 2009

What Happens In Vegas...

makes your head spin and starts a fight between head and heart.

Do you keep on gambling when you're down to recoup losses? Or do you call it quits and walk away? When you're ahead, when do you stop?

Head versus heart.

Should you party like a rockstar and feel the repercussions in the morning? Or do you play it safe by doing your normal routine as much as possible and conform to your rituals back at home?

Head versus heart.

At the all-you-can-eat buffet, with all those enticing fatty foods you try to stay away from, do you indulge or stick to your boring regimen of healthy choices you know you should follow?

Head versus heart.

My drama of head versus heart: as a birthday present, Paul gave me the gift of getting a new murse (man purse).

This one looks hot but it's too small. This one is more functional but says nothing. This one is boring. This one is too flashy. This one looks like a woman's bag. This one's Lous Vuitton. This one is Prada.

Oh, Las Vegas. You crazy, crazy adult playground that pushes people out of their comfort zones, opening their eyes yet hurting their heads.


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