I'm Visiting A Family With A Dog And Two Children Under Two.
I learned something:
An adult dog does not equal a puppy.
A puppy does not equal a baby.
I learned something:
My birthday, boom-bah,
It's not officially "official", but my doctor is ready to recommend/prescribe to me a complete change in lifestyle. In order to deal with my body weight being significantly too low, he is asking me to gain one pound a week for the next twenty weeks, and restrict my workout to only thirty minutes, three times a week, whether it's lifting weights or doing cardio. Start date: immediately.
Leaving tomorrow around noon, returning to DC on Sunday...if you want a Folex, a baby turtle, or a Magnolia cupcake, e-mail or call me.
I started a new round of chemo last week. Because of that..
Sorry for the lack of updates/news. Crazy short week, so let's get down to the nitty-gritty: