Hair Nightmare
Women (and some of you fussy, high-maintenace men):
I know what it's like to go to a hair salon excited about getting your new 'do, only to have you run out the doors in tears and complete dissatisfaction.
Here are a few tips I learned today when getting your new haircut/style:
1) Style your hair before going into the salon, especially if you're going to see a hairstylist you've never used before. Never go in wearing a hat. A pre-haircut style will allow them to see how you currently wear it.
2) The consultation is the most important step, so over-communicate. The consultation is where most mistakes occur, so don't be afraid to reiterate your wishes repeatedly. That way it is clear to them what your desires are. If possible, show the stylist photos of hairstyles you like. And never consult with wet hair- cowlicks and curls hide under freshly shampooed and damp hair.
3) While getting your haircut/styled, don't cross your legs. Tilted body = crooked haircut. Sit up straight, head square on, and don't move it until they move it for you. Don't get too involved in your magazine- it will cause you to look down and not pay attention to your posture. It will also turn your attention away from what is happening to your hair.
4) At the end, don't be pressured to like it. Speak up. Say "Listen, I don't like the way it is done." Walking out the door and never using them is not enough. They need to know when it goes wrong, and they would rather you be honest than to wonder why you never returned.