If you called me last week, you would have had a very sad person on the line with you.
But I'm at a point now where I've come to terms with it, accepted its reality, and I'm viewing it as "Ernie On 'Da Remix".
So many questions to ponder:
*Should I learn how to use a walking stick now in case both eyes go blind?
*Should I wear a patch? Wouldn't an eyepatch and a pair of glasses be accessorizing too much? If not, should I rock a custom made one from Louis Vuitton? It would probably cost at least a grand.
*Should I quit the gym? I definitely feel unsafe walking half-blind around fifty pound weights. And there's definitely no way I can run on the treadmill or use the elliptical machine without losing balance. Step classes are a thing of the past (I am currently in mourning over this).
*I guess I'll sell my bike, right?
*Am I okay with people turning away from me and not looking at me face-to-face? I'm not Elephant Man, I just have an eye that looks asleep. It ain't crusty, flaky, and full of pus like their face.
(Sunday night update: Because the swelling and bruising have subsided on the stitched-up eye, it is opening up ever so slightly in the corner closest to my nose. I'm calling the opthamalogist first thing in the morning.)
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