Monday, February 12, 2007

I Was Discharged Yesterday

and sent home.

Right now, I'm recovering at my parents' house in Charlottesville, Virginia. I'm at their laptop trying to update and fill you in with what's going on, but since I'm seeing double vision, I can't see the screen very well.

The surgery went okay as far as brain surgeries go. The neurosurgeon went in transphenoidally (through my nose), removed what he could of the brain tumor, and patched me up.

Recovery was tough, because I couldn't urinate on my own. The The anasthesia numbed my bladder, so they put a catheter on me. I'm still wearing it. I don't like it. It feels like there's a telephone cord attached to the inside of the family jewels. It makes it very difficult to walk around.

Paul, My sister Ellen, and my brother-in-law Andrew were all in town to support me and watch the drama unfold.


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