Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I don't care.

I made the power switch.

There's this bakery down the street that I visited all the time to buy a meringue. Meringues are yummy and less dangerous dessert, because it's primarily just egg whites (zero grams of fat, oodles of protein) and sugar. Sweet and full of muscle building protein; now that's my kind of dessert!

Not only were they good, they were cheap. $1 each.

But I've upgraded. I've moved from fat-free & protein-full to just plain fat. I now eat their cheesecake. Oh it's good. On a bad night, you'll see me by the fridge, just forking it straight from the box to my mouf'.

I don't care.

And to add to the bad boy that I am, I've gotten into a bump of baklavah this week that is dee-lish-us!

I'm sitting on the couch typing this with my belly mounded up like a pitcher's mound. I feel like Homer Simpson...will you put a beer on it to see if it'll stay?


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