Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Real Style Tips For My Women Readers

Rita Wilson, Style Columnist for Harper's Bazaar, was on Oprah the other day talking about style for every woman at any age, whether 20 or 60 years old. She offered some very helpful tips for every woman who wants to pump up their appearance.

#1 Style Tip: Be true to your personal sense of style, whether age 30 or 60. It can be sexy, clean, young, or easy,

#2 Style Tip: If you haven't worn it in a year, be honest: you're never going to wear it. Pitch it or donate it to a non-profit organization.

Tip for women in their 30's: Avoid wearing shapeless dresses. You still have a silhouette, so do something to show it. And choose one, only one trend in each outfit you wear, whether it's a military jacket or a chunky necklace. Give a nod to trend, but don't let them take over.

Tip for women in their 40's: Pick your asset, such as your waist or your legs, and show it. Every woman in their 40's has at least one.

Four things every woman should have in their closet:
1. Black leggings or black jeans legging
2. One pair of black boots or black shoe boots
3. A good fitted jacket
4. A scarf

These items will work for any woman at any age.

Biggest mistake women make: Trying to be somebody that they're not. Again, be true to your own sense of style and stick with it. Illustrate your style in what you wear, not what you think you should wear,

If you're going to splurge only once a year: Splurge on your pajamas! Yes, your pajamas. Lose the oversized t-shirt or a man's dress shirt. On lazy days, or when you're serving breakfast to your children, make sure that your pajamas are pretty. And you never know when you may have to answer the door in the morning.


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