Friday, March 17, 2006

Ernie & Paul (2006 Remix)

Old songs get resurrected whenever an ambitious DJ decides to update it by capitalizing on its old charm and adding new rhythms and orchestration. The updated and improved oldie will succeed as long as it brings the crowd of a famous club to the dancefloor.

That's the story of Paul and Ernie. Their previous tune of 10 1/2 years together has taken a new turn as they renew their commitment to each other. But this time, there are new twists: an even smarter Paul who's learned a lot more about himself (with buffer muscles to match) and has moved back to the States, and an Ernie who's learned a lot more about pizza (with softer muscles to match) who has moved in with mom and dad.

I hope these new additions revive their catchy medley.


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