Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back To The Roots

Let's return to one of the main reasons why I started this blog in the first place: sharing what it's like to fight cancer.

I first found out I had a brain tumor in 2001, leading to a series of brain surgeries, radiation treatments, and chemotherapy sessions that began in February 2002. Ever since then, it's never been in remission, only having the tumor seed itself in new areas of my brain.

This morning I layed in bed thinking about how much I've been through. And the more I focused on the suffering and pain it has placed on my body, it made me both sad and angry at the same time.

And now I'm opening up to the latest chapter written for me: complete blindness. I've already had a taste of it, from walking around a grocery store nervously to avoid bumping into other shoppers, to watching a movie holding up my eyelid with a finger to see the screen a little better. On Monday, someone from the Virginia Association of the Deaf and Blind will come to my house to teach me how to use a walking stick.

"Have a good attitude, have a good attitude" echoes in my head everyday. "Be thankful for the fact that you still can see" repeats incessantly in my thoughts.


I'm done talking about this.


Blogger ellyt said...

I actually met a man in Radio Shack yesterday who had a very cool little thing. It was about the size of a transistor radio and it was a reader for books on tape (but these books were on a little card, like a photo card for a digital camera). Because it was a long wait, he showed me how he folds his money, how he recognizes people and how he does his grocery shopping. It is like a brave new world for sure, but you are a quick learner from what I have seen.
I love you!! Let me be your stick!!

12:18 PM  

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