Sunday, January 04, 2009

Resolution or Intention

While I could bore you with the details about my Christmas, New Year's, the pig head, and how a cold on top of chemo is a train wreck, I'd rather not.

Do I have a New Year's resolution? Yes. I hope to travel outside of America- preferably Germany, London, or Italy. Maybe Sweden. I would love to go to Tokyo or to the Philippines, but I'm not ready for a flight that takes forever. But I'm prepared for a little travel, listening to foreign accents, eating strange cuisines, wondering why they do things differently, converting prices to US dollars, and of course, some international shopping.

The problem is chemo. I can't go away too long or it'll affect the schedule. I get bloods done weekly, infusions every other week, "peace pipe" (inhaling the medicine) every four weeks, and "wreck your body" pills every six weeks. MRI's every seven weeks.

When they said "chemo consumes", they weren't joking.


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