Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Me A Fugee

For the first time in six months, I saw my endocrinologist who keeps an eye on my hormones and energy level. We talked about how tough chemo was for me, but the conversation quickly took a turn for the worse and transformed into a mini-intervention.

She said I am losing too much weight. She then asked:

"Are you eating more than three meals a day?" Yes.
"Are you eating until you're full?" Yes.
"Do you think you're fat?" No.
"Do you wish you weighed more?" Yes.
"How much do you work out?" Probably as much as a gym junkie.

She then proceeded, "Your problem is not working out too much, it's that you're not eating enough to sustain what you already have. You're beyond gaunt. You're skeletal."

"In fact, you're a skeletal malnourished patient that looks like an Ethiopian refugee."


She said that I can eat anything I want, it's that I need to eat MORE of it. And the next time I see her (February 2009) I'll need to weigh in at 130 pounds. Or else.


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