Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Running On The Treadmill Is So Fake.

My philosophy on exercise is "Somethin' is better than nothin'."

But to me, this "somethin'" practically feels like "nothin'."

When I'm running on the treadmill, I feel like all I have to do is lift my feet and legs up, almost like tap dancing. It's as if you don't have to create a forward momentum or the motion of running, because the treadmill is the one busy putting your feet and legs behind you and doing all the work. Running off the treadmill puts the responsibility of moving and pushing your body weight forward all on you and your strength.

When I run outside, I come back sweaty, out of breath, and hungry as a wolf for the rest of the day. When I'm done on the treadmill, I recover quickly and feel as if I didn't do anything (and that's with the machine set on an incline and a faster speed than my pace outside.)

Any other runner's thoughts?


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