Thursday, November 08, 2007


I hate askin' for money.

Up the street from my parents' house, is this family of four sisters. My mom and dad, and now I have fallen in love with all four of them. My mom hired the two eldest as our maids (one of them was the one washing my pj's). The other two are still young and in school.

They are the most happiest girls, one of whom makes my dad laugh all the time. They love hanging out the house doing stuff for my family, and don't ask for anything in return. They're always embarassed and honored if I treat them out for dessert or some filipino fast food.

Their house is jacked-up. They're poor. Poor, poor, poor. Dad left 'em a long time ago for another woman, leaving the mom without a job, and stuck with the four girls.

They need two things: a fridge and some tiles in the bathroom.

First, check out the bathroom: no running water. To flush the toilet, you gotta dump some water in it for it to drain. No shower or bathtub. Get a big bucket, fill it up, and then use a small bowl to pour water over yo' head.

Food's always at room temp if not warmer. Can't keep milk around- so they use powdered milk. Everything spoils quickly, including eggs and fruit they buy several days ago.

Tiles in bathroom: $86US
A decent sized fridge: $93US

If you'd like to help out for one of these things, e-mail me at I'll pay for it, and then we can work out how you pay me back. I'll get you receipts to show you proof that your money went to one of these needs.

(I would have already gave them money for the tiles, but I bought them something else they needed- railing around their very steep and scary stairs.)


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