Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SPAM Message

I don't know how or why it started up, but a group of friends and I started talking last night about "processed meat products"- from Vienna sausages, potted meat, liverwurst, corned beef, all the way to SPAM.

SPAM is that famous canned concoction of "pork and ham". With it's mysterious sodium nitrite, SPAM became popular in the Philippines during World War II. And now, many years later, Manila has the exclusive restaurant completely licensed and devoted to SPAM lovers.

Called "SPAM Jam", this cafe is located in a world-class shopping mall and cooks up delicacies such as SPAM burgers, SPAM hotdogs, SPAM spaghetti, SPAM macaroni, SPAM-flavored popcorn, and of course, SPAM and rice.

MMMmm. I bet your mouth is watering now.

SPAM is like Britney- you like saying you hate it, but deep down inside, you like it and crave for more.

You'll hear more about the restaurant when I actually visit it in a couple of weeks on my trip to Manila.


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