Friday, February 27, 2009


"When you take a bucket and dip it into a river, just because all you get is water doesn't mean that there aren't any fish."

That's how the doctor described the liver biopsy: just because there was no sign of cancer or anything else on that teensy-tiny piece of liver doesn't mean there may be other things elsewhere.

As a result and because of my extremely elevated liver levels, they want to move forward and do a triple-phase catscan. There could be small spots of cancer, lesions, or cysts in other parts of my liver that can be as small as 3mm.



Blogger ellyt said...

Umm....then why do they put a bucket into your liver and think they are going to get fish????
Now I know I am blonde (but not really) but it seems to me that before they would put you through that they would just do the frigging catscan. I don't know...there is so much I don't understand....
but I do know that I LOVE YOU!

4:06 PM  

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