Wednesday, July 16, 2008

NOW I've Seen It All!

In case you didn't follow this thread from a recent comment, the ultimate in pet accessories is right here, and it's no joke: wigs for your feline friend, whether she's a rescue tabby or for that matter, a devon rex.

(Thanks A. for letting us know about this. I wonder- is it because your gorgeous kitty has one? I thought her 'do was real!)


Blogger Unknown said...

When you said a pink leash and wig weren't working to indicate to people Taylor is a girl . . . well I think with a pink wig people still might not get it. Can't you just see people saying "Oh look, a dog in drag"? What is it that people naturally assume all cats are girls and all dogs are boys?

Our three cats are all male and people always use feminine pronouns - "what kind is she?" Louie - being a Sphinx is bald which pretty much indicates male (except for Brittany and Sinead). Still people assume he and all our cats are female.

Animal sexists!! Let's call PETA!! I mean what self-respecting boy beagle would be caught out in lavender gingham?

3:26 PM  

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