Thursday, April 26, 2007

Way Deep Inside Ernie's Head...

there are all these personal, intimate thoughts buzzing around that could be about you or someone else you know. I wish I could say these to someone, but I don't want to gossip (yeah, right.) Since I have to leave the juicy parts out, I've turned them all into that crazy, funny game we all love to play, Mad Libs! They provide hours of hysterical entertainment for you and all your friends!

*I'm convinced that (masculine first name) is addicted to (noun). We were both close and (adjective) (plural noun), but once I heard he tried and liked the high, I never heard from him again.

*Next time you call, I'm not going to (verb) a lot and let you (verb) the (noun). Let's see if you can handle it.

*It drives me (adjective) that (first name) doesn't understand the way a (adjective)(noun) develops. It takes time, trust, and basic (nouns) that apparently wasn't taught at school. (Same first name), you are a weird bird, indeed.

*(Someone in the room), it's fun hanging with you, but after an hour, you get on my last nerve.


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